Cooling of harvested produce is undeniably important to keep the product fresh and to reduce the spread of pathogens. For this process, Focusun Vacuum Coolers are the best and most efficient solution.
During the cooling process in vacuum, a small amount of the products’ water is evaporated. While this is no problem for most products, few products would degrade in quality. Our Hydro Vacuum Cooler counteracts this characteristic by spraying fresh water onto the produce. When water is added to the process externally, cooling is efficient and water loss is reduced.
Move to the Products section to see all of our different models and sizes available. If you have different or additional requirements, please Contact us and we will immediately start to work on a solution, tailored to your refrigeration needs.
While Vacuum Cooling has proven to be an efficient cooling method for some products, the process is not suited for all products. We compiled a general information list of the most common products and their accepted cooling methods for your information. Additionally, product temperature requirements, cooling system costs and refrigeration capacity should be considered if you are planning to build a pre-cooling facility.
We at Focusun are refrigeration experts and therefore also offer alternative and additional solutions for your produce cooling requirements. These include Forced-Air Cooling, Hydro Cooling, Room Cooling and Package Icing. These traditional cooling methods need longer time for cooling and consume more energy. They are commonly used in small operations and if vacuum cooling is not possible. Room-cooling is the slowest of these methods and works by storing produce in a possibly cooled storage. With package-icing, crushed ice or ice slurry is filled into the bins on top of produce and cools it by melting. Forced-air and hydro cooling are faster than package-icing. During the cooling process, the produce is in contact with a constant flow of cold air or ice water in order to cool the products to a required temperature with better efficiency than a cold room.
Now you know about the general advantages that Vacuum Cooling can give you over other cooling methods. If you are looking for more detailed information and alternative possibilities to cool your commodity, switch to the Products section. To see the advantages that researchers have found for special products, review our table of advantages and more information in the Research and Information section.
Contact us directly for personalized solutions, expert advice and buying requests.